Thursday, January 15, 2015

Musings from...Regina the Reluctant Fitbit...Becoming Mrs. Terry

Not Mrs. Terry

The Tyrant had two morning meetings this week.  Suh-Weeet!  I can rest because no way she can get her walk in and make meetings scheduled for oh dark thirty.  Yes!  Wrong!!

Up at the crack of dawn she is, turns on Netflix, pops on the headphones so Season 4 of Parenthood doesn't disturb the mister and off she goes...just like Mrs. Terry.

Who is Mrs. Terry and how does she fit into the scheme of things?  In the Tyrant's hometown there once was a little older lady (and I do mean little - probably not even 5 feet tall) named Mrs. Terry.  Mrs. Terry drove a big ole car.   To be fair - it was the 70's and ALL the cars were big, but Mrs. Terry's seemed even bigger, probably because she was so short she looked THROUGH the steering wheel, not over it.  Mrs. Terry was into walking before walking was cool - as if walking has EVER been cool, but I digress.  Did I mention that Mrs. Terry was like 90 years old - all white headed and wore her hair in a topknot? ?  So, she did most of her walking in her house!  Round and round she went...didn't have to worry about the weather.. Mrs. Terry did the circuit in her house...gotta love her spunk!  And so, for two mornings this week, the Tyrant has channeled her inner Mrs. Terry and walked her four miles from the den..through the living room...through the kitchen, sometimes walking backwards just to change things up... 


1 comment:

  1. I am lovin' your posts. And impressed and inspired by your production. Well done, my friend!
