Friday, January 2, 2015

Losing My Breakfast and Sequined Underwear

Sweet Blessed Relief!  She gave me the day off yesterday and I actually got a nap as she put me in my little bed so I could "recharge".  However, my happiness was shortlived as today she really put me through my paces...  Four and a half miles of swinging back and forth, back and forth, on her left arm.  I really thought I was going to hurl!  At mile 3 La Madeline fired up their ovens and I could smell the fresh baked bread.  ARGH!  but I kept pushing through.  At mile 4, the Great American Cookie shop either fired up their ovens or were spraying "baking sugar" scent through the mall to attract all the new walkers.  Either way, it was pure torture. 

No January walk in the mall is complete without watching to see if any of the stores are selling sequined shorts.  We were not disappointed, though these look suspiciously like sequined underwear to me!  What do you think?  Shorts or underwear?

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