Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Musings from...Regina the Reluctant Fitbit...Friends!

The Tyrant took me out yesterday and I got to meet some new friends.  I wonder if they have to work as hard as I do?  They were all with their bosses, so I didn't feel like I could come right out and say "this is for the birds, right?"

At a lunch meeting of fundraisers...I hear exercise is good for reducing stress - how is that working for you girls?  You want to find out how relaxed a fundraiser is?  Check back about 3 weeks before the end of the fiscal year when goals haven't been met yet.  If she/he is relaxed then, either he/she is really, really Zen or has access to some major pharmaceuticals that need to be shared with the rest of us!

Fundraising Mentors and Mentees...

At church...
Across the pew

Monday, January 19, 2015

Musings from...Regina the Reluctant Fitbit...22,000 Steps!

How do you walk 22,000 steps and 9 miles in one hour?  Forget to turn off the "track my walk" app when you drive to work.  Bwah ha ha! 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Gasp...Something Shiny!

How did I NOT know about this?  The Tyrant should buy me this fancy dress as a reward for all I have done!  Someone please start the campaign...Regina Needs a New Dress!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Musings from....Choristers Guild

Today was a good day.  The Tyrant took me to a music festival put on by Choristers Guild.  The children's choir she volunteers with was singing.  It was a lovely worship service and the kids sounded the best they have ever sung.  AND...we ran into an old friend...her fave choir director...as The Tyrant says, you gotta love a director that let's you sing a high C even though it knocks a baritone out of his chair (true story).  Here we are...

And we saw some music written by a childhood friend...

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Musings from...Regina the Reluctant Fitbit...Becoming Mrs. Terry

Not Mrs. Terry

The Tyrant had two morning meetings this week.  Suh-Weeet!  I can rest because no way she can get her walk in and make meetings scheduled for oh dark thirty.  Yes!  Wrong!!

Up at the crack of dawn she is, turns on Netflix, pops on the headphones so Season 4 of Parenthood doesn't disturb the mister and off she goes...just like Mrs. Terry.

Who is Mrs. Terry and how does she fit into the scheme of things?  In the Tyrant's hometown there once was a little older lady (and I do mean little - probably not even 5 feet tall) named Mrs. Terry.  Mrs. Terry drove a big ole car.   To be fair - it was the 70's and ALL the cars were big, but Mrs. Terry's seemed even bigger, probably because she was so short she looked THROUGH the steering wheel, not over it.  Mrs. Terry was into walking before walking was cool - as if walking has EVER been cool, but I digress.  Did I mention that Mrs. Terry was like 90 years old - all white headed and wore her hair in a topknot? ?  So, she did most of her walking in her house!  Round and round she went...didn't have to worry about the weather.. Mrs. Terry did the circuit in her house...gotta love her spunk!  And so, for two mornings this week, the Tyrant has channeled her inner Mrs. Terry and walked her four miles from the den..through the living room...through the kitchen, sometimes walking backwards just to change things up... 


Monday, January 12, 2015

Musings from...Regina the Reluctant Fitbit...Something from the Fail Column

Take a close look at the picture.  Employees waiting to get in, but the door is completely blocked by inventory. Hmmmmmm....

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Musings from...Regina the Reluctant Fitbit... A New Dress, Homemade Pimento Cheese and Moving Just Enough So No One Thinks I'm Dead

Well, she is STILL at it and let me tell you folks...it might get a little worse.  She downloaded the Netflix app on her phone and has been binge-watching Parenthood while we make the laps.  She thinks it's great because it makes the time pass more quickly.  I, on the other hand, have been forced to walk more as she finishes "just one more episode"! 

I suppose I should be a little nicer to her - she did take me to a party today AND I got to wear a new dress (my turquoise band) and I got HOMEMADE pimento cheese, chicken salad tartlets and some yummy cookie with a piece of snickers baked into the middle of it.  I just know I'm gonna pay for that little foray tomorrow!

Saw this meme on the internet and I think it sums up the life of Fitbits everywhere.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Musings from...Regina the Reluctant Fitbit

Good grief...she is STILL at it. I did get Monday off. Something about not sleeping well the night before...probably too many tea and scones while watching the premiere of Downton Abbey...I don't know and I don't care...I got to sleep late!

However...here we go again...some days it feels like... a hamster on a wheel

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Is Love Enough? from Regina the Reluctant Fitbit

Ok Corner Bakery....that is just cruel and unusual punishment.  I mean really...greeting me with the aroma of frying bacon at six o'clock in the morning.  All I could think of was that video of the dog saying "the maple kind?"  You know the one I mean...

Anyway....saw this shirt in a store window and gave me pause...is love really enough?  I mean I think you need a little more than love....like maybe a moon pie and an Are-uh Cee Cola, right?

Friday, January 2, 2015

Losing My Breakfast and Sequined Underwear

Sweet Blessed Relief!  She gave me the day off yesterday and I actually got a nap as she put me in my little bed so I could "recharge".  However, my happiness was shortlived as today she really put me through my paces...  Four and a half miles of swinging back and forth, back and forth, on her left arm.  I really thought I was going to hurl!  At mile 3 La Madeline fired up their ovens and I could smell the fresh baked bread.  ARGH!  but I kept pushing through.  At mile 4, the Great American Cookie shop either fired up their ovens or were spraying "baking sugar" scent through the mall to attract all the new walkers.  Either way, it was pure torture. 

No January walk in the mall is complete without watching to see if any of the stores are selling sequined shorts.  We were not disappointed, though these look suspiciously like sequined underwear to me!  What do you think?  Shorts or underwear?

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Musings from...The House as Shared by Regina the Reluctant Fitbit

Praise be to the weather gods!   I MIGHT actually get a break today.  Outside is cold, wet and rainy AND a holiday so I don't think she is going anywhere.  Whew!  However!   I did run across a story from the "you can't make this stuff up" category. (Thanks  Carolyn  Lackey for the share.  Check out her hilarious blog) A woman in Waco, TX stole her neighbors cats and turned them into fur coats.  Dang!