Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Musings from...the Diary of Regina the Reluctant Fitbit

Day 3...It just keeps getting worse and worse.  Now she has me working on the nightshift, tracking her sleep patterns!  After the last two nights, it is no wonder she has these horrible raccoon eyes...she tosses and turns about half the time. 

No "winter mix" last night so,  again this morning she hauls me off to the mall.  Sure wish I was living in Minot, ND! No way would she ever get out in that cold!   To make matters worse look at the first sight I see. 

I am thinking that if the plants are covered INSIDE the mall, it must be too cold.  Let's turn around and go home girl!

But...on she goes...she even walked EXTRA today.  But I got her back.  She forgot to pack her work shoes and was reduced to wearing these little ballet slippers she keeps in her desk drawer for when her tootsies are too tired for heels.  Bwah ha ha!

Tomorrow I hope to encourage her to take up swimming - she can't wear me in the pool and maybe I can get some rest. 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Musings from...The Diary of Regina the Reluctant Fitbit

Oh good grief!  She went and named me.  It's just like a stray dog...once they name you, they are doing to KEEP you.  I'll never get away.  I thought I had her this morning.  She was moving really slowly and seemed tired.  I was hoping that she had mistakenly taken Advil PM instead of her morning dose of regular Advil, but I wasn't that lucky...  About halfway through the grind she met up with a fellow mall walker and perked up.  Yeah...if I remember correctly, it was this fellow mall walker that first waxed eloquently about  whatever tracker she has.  That does it, if I see that woman tomorrow I am going to trip her good!

Musings from...The Diary of a Fitbit...

Day 2. I thought if I stopped working in the middle of the day yesterday, she would give up, but I'm not so lucky. Drat that google. She figured out how to fix me and kept me moving. So, I tried sweating thinking that she might rip me off in irritation and I could take a nap, but no such luck. She merely loosened me up and kept on going. I heard that cold weather is moving in tonight. Is it wrong to pray for an ice day? Oh no....she is headed for the yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Musings 1 with a fitbit

How quickly we go from "oh my gosh! look how many steps I've walked just getting dressed this morning. This is going to be so easy!" to "stupid thing must be broken. I can't believe I haven't walked more steps than this". Stay tuned for more adventures with Leslie and her fit bit...

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Musings from the Mall

Musings from the mall...

If this were real snow I don't think you would want to have these on your feet! Yeah ain't nobody wearing these shoes in Buffalo right now.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Musings from the Mall...

Thanks Gap for the giggle...

Musings from the Mall...

Not really musings from the mall, but if I had seen this I would have TOTALLY taken this picture. Here is a lesson from the "let's really proof our new name before we commit" school... 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Musings from the Mall

Interesting aroma greeted me in some areas this morning. it is either the cedar shavings That have been placed in the planters underneath all the Christmas trees or I am now walking in a giant hamster cage

Monday, November 3, 2014

Musings from the Mall

This is what greeted me on my morning least they waited until November!

Santa's workshop is going up

Notice the pumpkins underneath Santa. protest I plan to sing "Come Ye Thankful People Come" and "we gather together" throughout this morning's walk


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Musings from the Mall...

Gap has a new slogan on their window "Dress like no one else is looking." Um yeah...half of America is already doing that and it isn't going so well, so please, uh...NO.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Musings from...the dinner table

My father has several "proverbs" he has taught us throughout the years. One of those is "in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king". That was proved true tonight when my mother told us that she is considered the "IT expert" at her hair salon. (I know there are probably some grandsons doubled over in laughter at this point). Wonder if the fact that she is the youngest one there has anything to do with it? Apple should give her a commission because, after Lue shared all the things she can do, all the other ladies now want their own IPads.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Musings from the Mall...

Don't look now, but I just passed a woman who is walking with a towel still on her head from washing her hair this morning. (Or either it is a REALLY weird hat). Regardless, I totally get multi tasking AND letting your hair air dry. But...this may have just crossed the line.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Musings from...the fashion show

 So, one of the designers at today's fashion show kept talking about "vegan leather". And I am thinking that the words "vegan" and "leather" just don't go together, but my designer friend Wendy Manasse (go Quenchwear!) explained that "vegan leather" is just an updated term for "pleather" which was just an updated term for "naugahyde". Shout out to Marie's  niece Zoe (aka Toasty) who said "shouldn't it be NOT a hyde? bwah ha ha. Yes it should, my dear. Yes, it should!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Musings from...Texas State Highway 14

Business name: Staying Alive Taxidermy...I am thinking that if I am bringing something to you, we BOTH really want it to be dead...just thinkin...

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Musings from the Mall...

From what I understand for the first time in forever, sales of jeans are down. Why you ask? It seems more and more people and by people I'm going to assume women, have taken to wearing yoga pants to the office. Unless your butt can fit in a teacup please do us all a favor and don't wear your yoga pants to work

Monday, September 1, 2014

Musings from the mall...AKA reviews from the State Fair of Texas Big Tex Choice Awards

Our table (Paige McDaniel, Cynthia Jones O'Kelly) and I agreed our 3 top favorites are (drum rolll please)...Fried Gulf Shrimp Boil, the Fried Sweet Texas and the Chicken Fried Loaded Baked Potato - not necessarily in that order. I had such high hopes for the Deep Fried Texas Bluebonnet, but it just tasted a blueberry muffin. The Fried Sriracha Balls tasted like something served in an elementary school cafeteria. Twisted Texas Tacos - not bad. Funnel Cake Ale - NASTY! ugh! Deep Fried Breakfast for Dinner - so, so. the cinnamon made it rather odd.. to the Fried Sweet Texas (three desserts in one, brought to you by the same guy who brought us Deep Fried Thanksgiving Dinner and Fried Bubblegum, Justin Martinez. This tasty treat consists of mix of pecan pie, peach cobbler and buttermilk pie, served with a scoop of vanilla Blue Bell ice cream. Yum!!!! The Potato dish consists of The inside of a baked potato, mixed with butter, bacon and cheddar cheese, get a spicy battered coating, to create a combination of fried crispy crust and creamy loaded baked potato. Served with a ranch dipping sauce.

Thanks to my friend Sheri for the tip on how the line formed up. We were in the top 10!

This is a Don't Miss! fundraising event - mark your calendar for next year. Proceeds benefit scholarships given out to kids by the State Fair . See you opening day of the fair!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Musings from the mall...

Heard on the radio this morning. Who is a bigger than Ariana Grande? Ariana Venti. (think Starbucks)! bwah ha ha

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Just Musings...

Can't really call it musings from the mall....BUT I have had this thought many times...