Monday, January 7, 2013

Thought for the week....

Last year, instead of making resolutions of what I was going to do, I decided to list those things I was NOT going to do.  Uh yeah....made it until about March....

So, another year, another set of goals.  Going to try to blog more.  Not sure why, other than it gives me an outlet - which can be good or bad for someone who has no verbal filter!

I was blessed with a very wise father who had a whole plethora of "sayings" - so many I put them all in a homemade book one year for Father's Day.  Wisdom is best shared, so here we go.  Each week, I'll share the thought of the the week and let me know what you think!

Saying #1
Never marry for money, it's cheaper to borrow it.

What do you think? 

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