Tuesday, April 24, 2012

WHAT am I thinking?

At times I have no filter - I will say whatever pops into my lil ole head - hence the name of my blog "My Not So Secret Thoughts".  Now why in the world would I need to write a blog - I write one for work and barely have enough hours in the day without any more projects.  But then, we all know that we make time for those things we want to do. 

I don't consider myself a really gifted writer.  I am so envious of Carolyn E. Lackey (see I remember your many years with NMI, Carolyn) who writes Finding the Funny - she always has the best turn of the phrase and just the right amount of humor.  Paige McDaniel, my friend and a nonprofit peep always posts entries that make me think AND make me want to take action.  Long time friend Jennylou, doesn't have a blog, but she has written a book about her triumph over cancer years ago.  She gifted me with a photocopies of some of her stories, which I still have.  She makes me cry, she makes me laugh.  I hope she publishes her book some day. 

What WILL I write about?   I spend my days and many evenings and many weekends raising funds for a local nonprofit - there will be posts about fundraising and donor relations.  I like to try new recipes -  expect reports on my culinary endeavors.  I love to laugh, so I must just post funny videos, like my favorite "Ultimate Dog Tease".

Enjoy the ride!
Me and the Batmobile

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