Thursday, October 8, 2015

Musings from...4300 miles away

So...the tyrant and the hubster hopped across the pond, courtesy of the 'rents,  for a 10 day vacation in London.  Here are some of my thoughts after this trip...

The tyrant heartily subscribes to the thought that if she was meant to fly coach, her rear end would be smaller!  Hooray for Business Class!

While waiting for the taxi at the airport, the Tyrant saw someone sporting a UT (that's University of Texas for all you non Texans) shirt.  Anyway...the Tyrant flashed them Hook 'Em Horns and for good measure threw in a little Gig 'em, because well, why not?  I was hoping that she hadn't just caused an international incident by making what in London might be considered an obscene gesture or gang sign...but everything seemed to turn out ok.  

There are no fat people in London...not with all the walking you do.  Gotta love a vacation that sends you home 3 pounds lighter than when you started!

Another plus...we only saw TWO pairs of flip flops in the entire London airport.  Toto...I don't think were in Dallas any more!  And speaking of fashion, London doesn't seem to have business casual.  The most casually dressed man we saw was sporting a crisp shirt, dress slacks, blazer sans a tie!   Let me tell you guys...if you want to turn a woman's head...ditch business casual and embrace the blazer!

We felt left out because we didn't have a selfie stick.  Seriously people, you have views like this...

And this...

And this...

While on the London Eye,  one dude was so busy snapping selfies he had his back to the windows the entire time!  Put down the stick and no one gets hurt. 

While on the Thames River cruise, one tourist decided to feed the seagulls, which turned our ride into a scene from The Birds!  Duck and cover!  Duck and cover!

Walked across Tower Bridge for dinner in a pub one night.  Scarfing up shepherds pie and fish and chips and the Tyrant heard an accent that sounded vaguely familiar.  Turns out the people at the next table were from Little Elm.  Just can't escape Texas can you.

Will someone PLEASE explain to me the appeal of mushy peas?  It seems to be a standard side dish.  
And speaking of food, I am pleased to report that, though a bit curious about eating at a restaurant named this...
Their food is much better than their name implies.  Seriously...The Slug and Lettuce?

You should also know, if you visit Parliament and have underwires in your lingerie, you are going to get a frisking so thorough you are going to think you just had a massage!   You know the Tyrant considers sarcasm her spiritual just before the frisking, a guard asks the Tyrant if she has anything sharp on her.  The Tyrant replied "only my wit."   Guard didn't even crack a smile...

While we were there, the Rugby World Cup was going on.  England was playing Wales which caused the Tyrant to wonder...for whom does the Prince of Wales cheer?

And for the Downton Abbey fans,  a few choice shots from Blampton where they shoot exteriors for the show.  

Mrs. Crawley's house...

The church where Poor Edith got left at the altar...
The Village Green

The doctor's office

Last but not least...I always knew the British can be a bit more formal than we are I'm the states, but can you believe THIS was used as a feeding trough for livestock?

It was great to travel, great to be home...but I sure am missing the 70 degree temperatures!

Signed, Regina the Reluctant Fitbit

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Musings from ...the Funny Regina the Reluctant Fitbit

Yeah, so The Tyrant is still hauling me out - sometimes to the mall, sometimes around the house (because with all the rain...we are building an ark) ...and she even has plans to blog about our vacation at "the home"...but today a friend posted this funny to our Facebook wall and we have to agree that we totally agree...

 And then today's cartoon Pickles....let's just say if we still had kids at home or even a dog....yeah, this might happen!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Musings from the Mall...but Without Regina

As many of you know, Regina the Reluctant Fitbit slipped her rubber band bonds and ran away from home...sigh...I miss her...  However, observations haven't stopped just because she is gone.  Here is the thought for today. 
That is all...

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Musings from the Mall...Without Regina the Reluctant Fitbit

(sniff...sniff)  Regina the Reluctant Fitbit has run away from home.  She was last seen on her walk yesterday and somehow fell out of her dress (aka band).  It will be a lonely walk this morning...


Monday, April 6, 2015